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In accordance with current government guidance, please do not attend a rehearsal if you have recent symptoms of a respiratory infection (eg. a Cold, Flu or Covid-19).


Concert dress is all black for men and women unless otherwise advised in the concert details below.

Rehearsal venue and concert venue addresses are given at the end of this page. Click here.

Players are asked to bring their own music stands to rehearsals.

Tea and Coffee will be provided unless otherwise stated. If so please bring your own refreshments.

If you have anything to update us on in relation to testing positive for Covid at rehearsals or a concert, please use this form.



CONCERT - Saturday 19th October 2024, 7.30pm at Smith Square Hall

Mahler Symphony No.7 - (for scoring click here)

Conductor- Johann Stuckenbruck


Tue   1/10    7-10pm      Full            WCS     
1 (45mins), 2 (25mins) (2tbns break), 3 (20mins), Break (15mins)  5 (50mins), 4 (25mins) (2 horns, several winds, tbns/tuba released)
Wed  2/10   7-10pm      Full            WCS   
1 (45mins), 3 (30mins), Break (20mins), 5 (40mins), 2 (25mins) (2tbns released), 4 (20mins) (2 horns, several winds, tbns/tuba released)
Mon  7/10    7-10pm     Strings       MPS
Tue   8/10    7-10pm     ww/brass   WCS
Wed  9/10   7-10pm      Full            WCS   (inc Tenor Horn)
1 (70mins), Break (15mins), 3 (30mins), 5 (60mins)
Tue  15/10   7-10pm      Full            WCS 
5 (no tbns or tuba), Break (20mins), 2, 4 (2 Horns, several winds)
Thu  17/10   7-10pm      Full           SPORTS HALL    (inc perc, guitar, mandolin)
Run symphony, Break (20mins), TBC
Sat   19/10   2.30-5.30pm    Full     SSH

                    7.30pm            CONCERT


John Landor's Conducting Course

Dvorak - Symphony 7

Schumann - Genoveva Overture

Beethoven - Egmont Overture


Venue - Church of the Annunciation, Bryanston St, London W1H 7AH


Tue 26/11    6.45pm - 9.45pm   Full orchestra

Thu 28/11    6.45pm - 9.45pm  All wind/Strings/Hrns/Tpts

Fri  29/11     6.45pm - 9.45pm  All wind/Strings/Hrns/Tpts

Sat 30/11    2pm - 5pm  and 6pm - 9pm   Full orchestra*


*The final session will include an informal performance and you are welcome to invite friends and family. It may also involve some rehearsal time and some of the repertoire may be repeated.



CONCERT - Sunday 9th February 2025, 4.30pm at Smith Square Hall

Conductor- Matt Scott-Rogers


CONCERT - Sunday 8th June 2025, 4.30pm at Smith Square Hall

Conductor- Cathal Garvey


CONCERT - Saturday 18th October 2025, 7.30pm at Smith Square Hall

Conductor- Graham Ross


CONCERT - February 2026, at Smith Square Hall

Conductor- Michal Oren




Our usual rehearsal and concert venues:

GCH - Grey Coat Hospital School: main school (hall on first floor), Greycoat Place, London SW1P 2DY. Nearest tube St James Park or Victoria

PA - Paddington Academy: 50 Marylands Rd, London W9 2DR, nearest tubes Warwick Avenue or Westbourne Grove

MPS - Moreland Primary school, Islington, EC1V 8BB

RCM - Royal College of Music, Prince Consort Road, London SW7 2BS. Nearest tube - South Kensington

SAS - St Anne's Soho, Allen Room, 55 Dean Street, London W1 6AF. Nearest Tube - Leicester Sq, Tottenham Ct Rd.

SSH - Smith Square Hall (formerly St John's Smith Square), London SW1P 3HA. Nearest tube - Westminster, St James Park. More info here

SPORTS HALL - On the ground floor of the St Michael's site of Greycoats Hospital School, 98 Regency Street, London SW1P 4GH. Nearest tube - Pimlico

WH - Warehouse: 13 Theed St, London SE1 8ST. Nearest tube Waterloo

WCS - Westminster City School: school hall (through reception, right into courtyard, up steps, right to main hall) 55 Palace St, London SW1E 5HJ. Nearest tube - Victoria

WCS** - Westminster City School: Drama Studio, Pouchot Building (same entrance as usual)



To pay your series subscription by bank transfer, the Salomon Orchestra account details are:
Barclays Bank
Sort code: 20-36-16
Account no.: 60813389
Amount: £65 per concert or £180 for the season
Payee Reference: include your name so that we can identify the payee.
If you have any questions about paying your subscription online please send an email to

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