Founded in 1963, Salomon Orchestra is one of London’s finest non-professional symphony orchestras.
Salomon's support mainly comes from player subscriptions and the sale of tickets with additional funding from Gift and Orchestral tax relief.
Over the last couple of years, the Salomon Orchestra, in common with many other professional and amateur arts organisations, has suffered financially from the Covid-19 restrictions. Concerts had to be cancelled after major costs had already been incurred but with no subsequent income. Since then, rehearsal and concert halls have increased their fees, music hire and soloists are more expensive and, with inflation on the rise, these costs are projected to increase further.
By donating to the Salomon Orchestra through the Charities Aid Foundation, Donate button above, you will help this long-established and well-regarded amateur group withstand the current challenges and continue to provide concerts of the highest quality to its audience.
This is the Salomon Orchestra’s 60th season: help us make it one of our best!
Other ways you can support us...
Did you know that whenever you buy anything online, you could be raising a free donation for Salomon Orchestra? We are working with Easyfundraising to do this. There are over 6,000 retailers including John Lewis & Partners, Argos, Uswitch, eBay, M&S, Just Eat, Now TV, Domino’s Pizza and Audible ready to give a free donation every time you shop online via easyfundraising. It only takes 2 minutes to sign up. Plus, if you sign up and raise £5 in donations, Easyfundraising will give us a bonus £5 donation.
To use this, first go to the easyfundraising site. Click ‘support this cause’ and create an account. Then Choose from over 6,000 retailers to do your online shopping as normal and our cause will receive a free donation with every purchase you make.
Finally, if you would like to think about giving a legacy to the orchestra in your will, this can provide us with valuable support. You can contribute a percentage of your estate or a fixed sum, which can either be for the general activities of the orchestra or for a specific activity (e.g. towards paying for a soloist or providing a low-cost subscription for a certain type of population). In certain cases inheritance tax may be reduced by the inclusion of a donation to a registered charity in your will – Money Helper have more information on this. An existing will can be modified by a codicil which must be drawn up by a solicitor – please seek legal advice. In the case that Salomon Orchestra is not in operation when your legacy comes to fruition, any funds would be donated to Making Music, the national organisation which supports amateur music-making.