Salomon Orchestra takes the use and protection of personal information very seriously. New Data Protection Rules (GDPR), effective from May 25 2018, require that members are informed of the personal information held by the orchestra and how it is used.
Players’ names and contact details (e.g. email address and mobile phone number) are maintained by the orchestra’s Fixers for the purpose of inviting them to play in our self-promoted concerts and Outside Engagements, and for communicating to players information about rehearsals and other details of our concerts and events.
From time to time our Fixers are asked by another orchestra’s fixers for recommendations of players to play in the other orchestra’s event. In these circumstances, our Fixers will send details of the other orchestra’s event to our players, rather than providing players’ contact details to the other orchestra’s fixers.
Players’ names and address are maintained by the Treasurer for the purpose of making claims to HMRC for the Gift Aid on subscriptions paid by players to perform in Salomon Orchestra.
Members of the public who have opted to receive details of our concerts and other events have their email addresses maintained on a MailChimp mailing list. All emails sent from this mailing list include the option for the recipient to opt out of future communications from the orchestra.
Players and members of the public have the right to view the information we hold on them at any time. We will answer any questions they have regarding the data we hold on them for free within one month of receipt of the request. Contact details are shown on our website www.salomonorchestra.org If the data we hold is incorrect or incomplete they have the right to have it corrected or deleted from our records.
Our privacy policy may be revised from time to time. The latest version will be posted on our website www.salomonorchestra.org
Issued May 2018